Mixed Mutts Rescue, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, relies solely on donations to continue our work.
Your tax-deductible donations go towards food, veterinary care, costs for adoption events and more. Please consider donating, anything helps!
Help Helpless Puppies!
Dopey getting his nightly fluids, don’t worry he’s healthy and happy now!
We just can’t say no. Puppies have to be the most expensive thing in rescue coming in with all kinds of issues from parasites, giardia, parvo etc. not to mention bottle feeding (formulas not cheap). The emotional, mental, physical toll is intense but we couldn’t even begin to give our time heart and soul to these pups without your donations.
8 bottle babies- takes 30minutes to feed all of them every 2-3 hours around the clock. They go through one $30 can of formula/day and make a huge mess. They are totally worth it!
Help us Build A Senior Center.
O was due to be put to sleep as her health was declining at the shelter, she stopped eating and had little chance of adoption at the age of 14. After seeing her literally giving up on life,we picked her up in hopes of letting her live her final days in a loving home. She may have gotten lost walking down the hallway or found asleep in a pile of toddler toys. With a lot of love, good food and care O thrived. O lived an entire happy year in our home.
We have the space but need your help to Build it out. We have been inspired by many dogs like O and hope to make a place for seniors to live out their final days in love & luxury. While we will continue to push for in home fosters there are not enough to support the growing population of seniors dumped at the shelter. With your help we will build the doggy bungalow of their dreams which will include a hydro therapy set up,orthopedic beds and raw food to keep them in tip top shape. Build out is estimated at $15,000 and it will require support of up to $700 monthly for food and vet visits.
If You are interested in finding out more ways to help please email us at mixedmutts@gmail.com